Project Finance Consulting
Professional Project Finance Practitioners
Direct Private Project Finance Lenders and Deal Makers
Our Principal funders and investment bankers group have access to a combined international pool of nearly $55 billion USD+ in available liquidity
Equity Capital & Securities London is a full service International Financial Placement and Investment Banking consulting firm..
Funding from $10 Million USD +
Direct, trustworthy, lenders and deal makers.
- We specialise in raising large loans and finance for project owners and sponsors seeking to raise a loan or funding for major projects.
- We provide a solution for quick, easy loan and funding for your 'Shovel Ready' project. This is fast and inexpensive alternative to financing large projects worldwide. Funding can occur within 30-40 days from the point your information is received.
- We have loaned and funded various projects worldwide to the tune of US$13 Billion +.
- We look forward to arranging financing for corporations, trusts, institutions, governments, and individuals from all over the world.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) arranges private placements of major loans for qualified borrowers from US$10 million to US$500 million or more. Loan funds with the interest rate tied to the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) - at simple interest - not compounded interest - with semi-annual payments in arrears.
What We Do
- We underwrite and execute the private placement of major loans from US $10 million to US $500 million or more for clients worldwide.
- We craft private placements for individuals, partnerships, corporations, multinational companies, governments, government agencies, institutions, colleges, universities, pension funds, endowments, foundations, trusts, and municipalities, internationally.
Rewards and Diligence
- We reward our clients with access to the most favorable loan terms and conditions obtainable.
- We deliver these rewards globally, even during the most challenging economic periods.
- We custom-craft each loan to our client’s unique needs and requirements.
- We work diligently to assure that our loans help our clients achieve their financial goals and objectives.
Empowerment and Support
- We empower our clients to seize emerging business and financial opportunities easily and quickly by providing simple loans having the most attractive and beneficial terms and conditions obtainable.
- We support our clients to reach uncommonly achievable levels of financial flexibility and to secure substantial savings over traditional loans from commercial banks and other lenders.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) arranges private placements of major loans for qualified borrowers from US$10 million to US$500 million or more. Loan funds with the interest rate tied to the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) - at simple interest - not compounded interest - with semi-annual payments in arrears. There are absolutely no loan covenants or restrictions on the use of the loan proceeds, and there are never any up front fees.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) offers to qualified borrowers, with viable projects in need of funding (starting from US$ 10 million), loan arrangements from a selected Consortium of Private Investor Groups, Private Investment Commercial Banks, Commercial Banks, Multilateral Agencies, involving also Export Credit Agencies, Institutional Investors, etc., for Syndicated Loans.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) has direct access to a large selection of important international investment and Commercial Banks, Financial Institutions and substantial groups of Private Investors, with whom we maintain high-grade and regular contacts, and keep an updated business relationship.
Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) offers Entrepreneurs, Companies, Organisations, and Governments the opportunity to obtain substantial Financing. Our principal function will be to assist you in completing financing through our Individual, corporate or institutional investors, Companies looking for joint venture opportunities. Investment banks, merchant banks, private international banks and trusts, or other reputable lending Institutions. Generally we are interested in transactions ranging from $10 Million to transactions of over $55 Billion.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) is a full service International Financial Placement and Investment Banking consulting firm with representative offices worldwide.
We are long established banking consultants and business advisers and within our organisation have many years experience in banking, finance and business at high levels.
EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) provides customised funding solutions for our clients. Our services are to assist our clients in arrangement of funds for various commercial projects. Our minimum funding amount for a project is USD 10 million with no maximum amount. The objective of EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) is to assist our clients with provision of structured Financing Equity Funding, Debt Funding, Loan, Venture Capital Arranging various kind of Lending for Corporate, Government Entities, Banks and other business ventures.
Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) is a Business Consultancy and Project Financier Specialist with over 35 years experience in banking and financial services. Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) maintains contact with leading international banks, private banks and other financial institutions. We consult with major businesses and governments, requiring financing and funding assistance for major developments. We assist in the preparation of a formal application to obtain suitable project financing / funding for development projects.
International Project Financier Bankers
Direct Private Project Finance Lenders and Deal Makers
Funding from $10 Million USD Plus
Equity Capital & Securities London offer International Project Financing and Commercial Loan Funding issued by our Private International Banks and Institutions
Equity Capital Securities London offer private lending services with a client centred philosophy and a level of unrivalled accessibility. Backed with a funds pool of well over 12 billion dollars, our global capabilities allow us to quickly meet all project financing needs, whether they be for major business enterprise, world governments, or high net worth individuals. You will benefit from our extensive world-wide contacts easily affording us the opportunity to finance virtually every feasible and fundamentally sound project at very competitive rate and costs.
We look forward to arranging financing for corporations, trusts, institutions, governmental agencies, and individuals from all over the world.
Our Principal funders and investment bankers group have access to a combined international pool of nearly $55 billion USD+ in available liquidity
Funding from $10 Million USD +
We assist borrowers in raising capital for infrastructure projects, in the privatization of utility, energy and infrastructure projects, financial engineering in raising project financing and arranging joint-venture consortium investors. We have raised multi-billion dollar project financing globally.
Equity Capital & Securities London specialise in Private Placements of large loans and finances, as well as having relationships with the top Banks, Trusts and Private Lenders who can commit miliions of funds within a short period of time. We have access to major capital market lenders, secondary Banks and merchant Banks that can commit large amounts of funding to qualified borrowers.
Equity Capital & Securities London is a professional project finance practitioner.
Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) provides finance and funding for large corporations and government on projects generally greater than $100 million. We may assist in the preparation of a formal application to obtain suitable project financing / funding for development projects. We receive professional fees for our experience, specialist services and sourcing of financial solutions. Our professionals bring executive level experience in top-tear investment banking and consultation in various industries throughout the world.
Through our extensive knowledge and experience and through the affiliations that we have with many of the top banks, instituitions and private banking circles, we are known as a professional firm with a hard won reputation that we value above all else. We have built our business on the basis of excellence and on complete client satisfaction, Most of all we understand the implications in which many clients seek to have their interests closely guarded and remain completely confidential.
The EQUITY CAPITAL & SECURITIES (LONDON) offshore philosophy is to develop a long term relationship with you and our commitment is to provide a high quality personal service which is totally confidential, professional in approach and international in perspective. Assistance will be given in identifying your overall planning objectives and will quickly indicate the type of service you need and the likely costs involved. Successful international financial planning depends on sound professional advice. Privacy and client considerations being of uppermost importance in all our dealings, therefore we are happy to work closely with you as your professional adviser to achieve this.
Our clients include high net worth individuals, top level politicians, attorneys, solicitors, accountants and major corporate entities worldwide.
Any communication with Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) is considered PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL
For more information please refer to our International Project Financing page
Email [email protected] for inital consultations.
All rights reserved Equity Capital & Securities London (ECSL) • This website is not intended as a solicitation to customers in any jurisdiction in which we are not authorised to operate. We are not Certified Financial Advisers, Securities Brokers or Stock Brokers. We are business consultants and intermediaries who provide advice to private individuals on or about PRIVATE business matters. The information presented is not in anyway considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds and is intended only as general knowledge. This transaction(s) are private and exempt from the act. Please be aware that any disclosure, photo copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited.